
How to Develop an IT Asset Management Software?

Enterprise businesses may continue to pursue their strategic goals despite the growing amount of digital and physical assets they depend on if they have the proper asset management strategy. They may invest in long-term growth while scaling credits to this configuration. Examining the present inventory and associated lifespan costs, considering use cases, and streamlining governance […]


5 Businesses That Can Adopt Digital Transformation

In today’s world, technology-driven, businesses that adapt to the digital age are the ones that thrive. Digital transformation has become significant in the corporate landscape, but it’s more than just a trend; it’s a necessity for staying competitive and relevant. So, about digital transformation what is it and how can it help businesses? The ongoing […]


Cloud Computing: Benefits and Threats to Corporate Security

Cloud computing is a computer data warehouse where companies can upload their data and use it when needed. Cloud computing is a great way to increase efficiency and responsiveness. However, despite all the benefits, there are certain threats to corporate security. In this article, we will consider what advantages and threats exist for corporate security […]


Best IT Managed Service Providers in Australia

Even though it can be hard, it is not impossible to manage internal IT departments with a small IT budget. Managed specialized co-ops are the current solution to the problem of extending IT spending while addressing IT problems and helping representatives do their best work. So, how do businesses in Melbourne, Australia, choose from the […]


In-Stream Video Advertising

Video advertising is one of the fastest-growing formats and is also in high demand among audiences. Many platforms allow you to place ads, and many companies prefer to create ads in video format. The video’s beginning should have the target audience’s main message. You need to surprise the user and encourage them to watch it […]


Гігабітний інтернет: особливості та переваги

Технічний прогрес не стоїть на місці, і ось уже швидкісний інтернет став невід’ємною частиною повсякденного життя кожного з нас. Віддалена робота, дистанційне навчання, онлайн-ігри, перегляд фільмів і серіалів — лише деякі види діяльності, які потребують надійного з’єднання і високої швидкості інтернету.  Існує універсальне рішення, здатне забезпечити одночасний якісний доступ до мережі для всієї родини чи […]


What is a Faraday bag? | Benefits of Faraday bag

A faraday bag is a portable enclosure made of conductive material. It is used to protect technical equipment from changes in the electromagnetic field. In other words, it is used to protect your equipment from electromagnetic radiation. We hope this post will provide some useful information on what is a faraday bag and some of […]


Nine advantages of dedicated software development teams

A corporation should consider several pricing models and forms of cooperation when it comes to IT outsourcing to choose the model that best meets its demands. The foundation of dedicated software development teams is the most typical engagement model for long-term commercial interactions. However, popular price models have gained prominence recently, including fixed pricing, time […]


How to choose a font for a logo

We know how difficult it is for you to develop a brand identity on your own: the agony of choosing among a million fonts, colors and graphic images. So, let’s begin! A logo with the desired font can be designed in the logo maker Turbologo. What is a font? Font in a logo is the […]


Who Should Use ANOVA?

When it comes to the assessment of multiple scenarios across an organizational structure, a proper data management and analytics system can do wonders for a given hierarchy. In this digital transformation era, statistical formulas to better address an influx of information are crucial. One of these essential formulas is the analysis of variance, also known […]


Get Training in Digital Transformation for Free

Digital transformation is real and not just the corporate buzzword. The COVID-19 pandemic brought forth the need for companies to embrace digital transformation. Businesses had to undergo advanced changes like using automation to develop client experiences and remote innovation to work together with clients and representatives. As an instrument for development, many organizations are now […]


Innovative medical technologies have become more accessible, – Dmytro Shymkiv

Ukrainians can easily join startups’ programs and participate in research in order to experience new possibilities of medicine. Dmytro Shymkiv, the chairman of Darnitsa Group board of directors, expressed his opinion at a panel discussion HealthTech Talk, organized by the European Business Association together with the pharmaceutical company “Darnitsa”, and Philips Company.  Rapid development of […]