- As we slowly shift into an ever evolving, expanding and growing world of technology and data usage, it is important to ensure we know how to keep our online presence protected. The online world has so much to offer, especially for businesses that flourish off of a large online presence. This does have the potential to leave these businesses and people open to some risk of security breach in an online forum. Business data security looks very different to how it used to look 10 years ago, so here are 7 helpful tips and tricks to ensure you are easily able to keep your online presence secure.
1. Keep Your Data Safe
Securing the walls around your data is generally a great start for keeping your data safe and privacy levels high. But on the odd occasion there can be ways to get around the security walls and access sensitive information. So our number 1 tip for keeping your data safe is to ensure you have taken internal measures to secure your data as well as having secure firewalls in place.
- 2. Keep Your Finger On Inside Security
Keeping your business and personal online presence protected from unlikely outside security breaches is obviously important, but keeping an eye on potential inside issues is something to remember. Insider attacks can sneak up on you if you aren’t keeping a tab on your employees and all individuals who have access to your system and data.
Now, we aren’t saying that your employees may be plotting a security breach, we are saying it can be as simple as an employee receiving a dodgy email with an untrustworthy link and clicking on it.
- 3. Encrypt Everything
Make sure that all your data is stored in an encrypted format and remains encrypted during migrations. Especially if you have employees who work remotely and on several varying devices.
- 4. Putting Your Security To The Test
There are professional organisations you can hire which can assist you in putting your security to the test. Your security is only as bad as your weakest link. If you have an employee whose password is still 1234, then this could be an easy entry for a security breach. Ensuring all employees and their devices are checked thoroughly and trained in appropriate online security will ensure your system is air tight.
- 5. Keeping Your Data Fresh And Clean
Old data is an easy target for a security breach as it gets stored in forgotten folders and old recycle bins. Keep clearing out old data regularly and teach your employees to do the same.
- 6. Don’t Skimp On Cyber Security
Ensure there are plenty of excess funds in the budget to splurge on any and all of your cyber security needs.
- 7. Use Powerful Passwords Across The Board
This is a no-brainer, but ensuring your passwords and the passwords of all your employees are “unhackable” is of utmost importance. Implement strong and complicated passwords and make sure to change them every 90 days or so.
Now please know, the world of online security is not all doom and gloom. As hackers get smarter and cyber security threats increase, so do all the incredible technicians and software developers creating anti-virus software that protects everything from your business to the games you play at a live casino online. There are plenty of easy ways to ensure your cyber security needs are being fulfilled, if you stay up to date with it all then you really have nothing to worry about.