
How to choose a font for a logo

We know how difficult it is for you to develop a brand identity on your own: the agony of choosing among a million fonts, colors and graphic images. So, let’s begin!

A logo with the desired font can be designed in the logo maker Turbologo.

What is a font?

Font in a logo is the graphic lettering that appears on a logo and in most cases conveys the name of the business to customers. That is, walking next to some store you see a sign, the inscription on it is written in some font – this is the font for the logo.

Functions of a font

The functions of the font are extremely diverse, but still, boil down to one goal – to create an appeal to customers and convey information about your business.

Such lettering is great for advertising your services or products, so the font in most logos is a must.

Choosing a font for a logo

Let’s say you’re already faced with the challenge of choosing the perfect fonts for your brand.

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Ideal branded fonts should:

  • Be unique and memorable;
  • Be legible;
  • Work on every platform;
  • Convey brand character.

Get to know the character of each font category

If you’re not a fan of typography, you’re probably not yet familiar with the font categories. However, this is where the starting point of our journey down the yellow brick road to the perfect font lies.

Font categories are classifications that help designers select, combine and identify fonts.

Each category has its own unique characteristics (sometimes called font psychology), so understanding these categories is crucial to finding the right fonts. They can help you narrow down your search and determine the right relationship to your brand.

Here are six basic types of font classifications:

  • sans serif, antique;
  • sans serif, grotesque;
  • sans serif; grotesque; brusque;
  • handwritten;
  • lettering;
  • accented.

Once you’ve decided on the character of your brand, and sorted out the different font categories, you can try to choose additional fonts for your brand.

There are many style variations in each category that affect the look of each font, and how you combine fonts also plays a huge role.

Here’s a quick list of how you can combine fonts:

Use a bold serif header and a sans serif subheader if you want to create the look of an accessible but trustworthy brand

This kind of contrast between sans serif and sans serif styles makes for a natural and balanced juxtaposition.

Here are a few examples of these combinations:

  • Abril Fatface (header), Montserrat (subheader);
  • Rocha One (header), Raleway (subtitle);
  • Abril Fatface (header), Quicksand (subheader).
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Use one of the sans serif fonts to create a modern, professional, corporate look

You can try combining a bold version of a simple sans serif font with a regular version of the same font for an elegant and professional look.

If you doubt your skills, combining different types of the same font is the safest approach. You definitely won’t go wrong here.

And here are some example pairs for sans serif fonts:

  • Economica Bold (header), Economica Regular (subheader);
  • Montserrat Regular (header), Montserrat Bold (subheader);
  • Source Sans Pro Bold (header), Source Sans Pro Regular (subheader).

Use thin, stylized sans serif fonts for an elegant style

According to font psychology researcher Sarah Hindman, thinner, lighter fonts are more likely to look more expensive than heavy, rounded fonts.

So if you want your logo to look more elegant, choose light, thin fonts such as

  • Julius Sans One;
  • Playfair Display;
  • Poiret One;
  • Verdana.

Use thick, rounded sans serif fonts for a youthful, friendly look

They seem playful and approachable. Fonts like these are great for brands targeting children.

Examples of pairs:

  • Quicksand Bold (header), Open Sans (subheader);
  • Fredoka One (header), Montserrat (subheader);
  • Quicksand Bold (header), Quicksand Regular (subheader).

Use one traditional serif font for a confident, trustworthy feeling

Just as we combined the bold sans serif version with the regular version of the same font, another reliable way to combine fonts is to change the capitalization of the font.

Sans serif fonts that work well for traditional businesses include:

  • EB Garamond;
  • Playfair Display;
  • Baskerville;
  • Wire One.

Make sure your brand fonts meet 3 basic requirements

Once you’ve chosen one or two branded fonts that fit your brand personality, you should do some final checks before handing them over to your manager.

  • Branded fonts need to be flexible
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Given that you’ll probably be stuck with these fonts for years to come, you need to make sure that your branded fonts work well for any medium (including print, web, and mobile devices).

Make sure you have the appropriate licenses for each application, and if you plan to use your branded fonts in your product packaging design, on your blog, in external presentations, and in static social media images, make sure you have layouts for each application.

  • Branded fonts should have multiple weight options

Multiple font weights (i.e. light, regular, bold, and bold) are critical to building a clear hierarchy of text. You’ll need to use different font weights to differentiate between headlines, subheadings, body text, footnotes, and quotations in both print and online media.

  • Branded fonts need to be clear

Finally, branded fonts should be legible. They should be easy to read and understand for any text.

The branded font you use for headlines should not be as legible as the font used for the main text, but it should nonetheless be easy to read at a glance.


Now that you have sufficient knowledge regarding fonts for emblems, you are ready to actively start your business and expand your client base. We hope our material will be useful to you. Good luck!

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