To be successful on LinkedIn, whatever your goal may be, you must first grasp the buying process or the path that any buyer must take before deciding on you and your company. The term “buyer” refers to the person who will purchase your items, or the person who will recommend you, or the person who will hire you, or the person who will inquire about an appointment with you, among other things. They are all potential customers for your “proposition.”
Before we go any further, if you are on LinkedIn without a specific goal in mind, what exactly are you on LinkedIn for?
Here’s what you need to do to get started:
- Make your LinkedIn profile more professional
- Put a professional profile photo
- Take advantage of written recommendations
- Join professional groups and join in one or two of them to get your name out there and seen by industry insiders.
- Continue to broaden your network
- Continue to be active: write on your profile wall, comment on the updates from the firms you follow and participate in forums
Table of Contents
Visit profiles of your ideal audience
The “Who has viewed your profile” part of LinkedIn is one of the most frequently accessed sections of the site. Why? This is because our nature is inquisitive and because our nature is self-centered. We’d like to know who’s been looking at our site. Take advantage of this situation.
Pay attention to the profiles of your potential clients. For example, if every day you visit 400 different profiles, and just a tiny number of them respond to your visits – it doesn’t matter; you are seen. They will contact you if something in your profile captures their attention and they are interested in working with you. The following actions should not be taken in the absence of a customer-oriented or high-impact LinkedIn profile, though.
Follow people who are your ideal costumers
If you are a member of LinkedIn, you can choose to “follow” other social network members.
Followers can see public updates from other members, including published and shared content such as videos, photos, and SlideShare presentations. This is true even if the person is not a member of your network at the follow time.
People outside your network can also become your “followers,” allowing them to see the stuff you share even if they are not already acquainted with you. Members who are following you have the ability to view, recommend, and comment on everything you post publicly on your LinkedIn profile. Furthermore, there is no limit to the number of them. If you are not interested in this option, you can restrict your followers to only first-degree people by visiting your website’s Privacy and preferences page.
Linkedin prospecting messages
On LinkedIn, you can send a message to all of your first-degree contacts as well as your Group mates. There are many different types of messages that you may send on LinkedIn.
But, if there’s one thing we can propose to you, it’s to spend some time writing to other people in order to do Linkedin prospecting right. According to your audience and where they are in the “purchasing process,” you should write in one of two ways: directly or indirectly. You can also use a Linkedin prospecting tool to do that.
You can send specific messages to connect with a new person, or messages to give particular assistance, or even messages to arrange a face-to-face meeting with a new individual. Each communication should be sent at the appropriate time based on your ideal consumer’s situation. If you’re approaching someone who you don’t even know and aren’t sure if they require your assistance, you shouldn’t ask them for a face-to-face encounter in the first instance.
Share the content of others
There is nothing that a text’s creator enjoys more than having their work circulated among other people.
What exactly do you obtain as a result of this action? That the author sees your profile and, more importantly, that the author sees it thankfully. They will be humbled that they have developed something worthwhile to share. And they will almost certainly thank you, they will mention your name, and your name will begin to appear beside the name of “that” person whose content you have shared with them.
Never share anything you haven’t thoroughly read. Yes, we understand that it takes time to read and discover something worth sharing, but it’s well worth the effort. If you distribute substandard or low in quality posts, your reputation is also at risk, and your profile won’t be in the highly skilled people on Linkedin.
Validate the people you follow
Increasing your visibility on LinkedIn also entails approving the people you follow. If you are familiar with someone’s work, you are a follower; you receive their emails, you read their publications. You enjoy them, or you know them personally, or you have heard them on the radio, and you agree with their criteria. Validate them based on the characteristics that you notice in them!
It’s an excellent approach to stand out because the validation will remain in your potential contact’s profile, and they will see you every time they check their confirmations after that.